The transportation service Lyft rideshare company provides is a popular alternative to taxis or public transportation in Arizona. Many residents in many cities use Lyft services. It is not only affordable, but convenient — getting a ride is as easy as using an app on a cell phone.

Like any other driver who shares the Arizona roads, an accident may happen. Have you ever considered how you would be compensated if you were a victim of an injury in a Lyft rideshare accident? How does a driver’s insurance come into play? Will you be able to recover all your expenses and losses due to another party’s negligence?

Contact My AZ Personal Injury Lawyer to discuss the specifics of your accident if you have been injured in a wreck involving a Lyft driver. A victim of a Lyft accident may receive compensation if the injury and damages were sustained as a result of another person’s liability.

Liability involving Lyft Accidents

Lyft Driver accident attorney in ArizonaPossible liable parties in accident cases involving Lyft drivers may include the company Lyft, the Lyft driver, or another third-party driver.

When liability and responsibility is determined for an accident, My AZ Personal Injury Lawyers will provide expert legal representation and pursue maximum compensation.

It is crucial that you enlist the assistance of My AZ Personal Injury Lawyers when dealing with the Lyft company and insurance companies. Our legal team will take on any negligent party and protect your rights. The legal team is dedicated to achieving the best possible result for each case.

Know Your Rights – Protect Your Rights

First, if you have been involved in an accident, call My AZ Personal Injury Lawyer immediately. Our firm will protect your rights and begin legal services right away. By discussing the details of your potential case with an attorney, the claim may be examined and legal action is taken swiftly. Our law firm offers a free consultation and case evaluation with a personal injury lawyer if you choose to ask questions or get options regarding your specific case. Schedule an appointment to ensure that you are properly compensated if you injury, damage, or losses due to a Lyft accident. 

After we take a client’s Lyft accident personal injury case, the legal team discovers evidence about the accident.  We talk to medical professionals and any witnesses who have knowledge of your claim. An attorney then files a lawsuit on your behalf and takes care of all necessary paperwork and legal actions.

The Lyft accident lawyers at our firm understand the Arizona personal injury law and the Arizona courts. Our personal injury attorneys have experience filing an effective lawsuits against liable parties or negligent persons. Lyft accident victims need legal assistance that ensures a  claim will hold all negligent parties accountable for the compensation of the injured victim.